The Life of Liz

Here you can learn about my life, the goings on, or whatever happens to be on my mind! I post videos, words, pictures, anything to document the happenings! Enjoy!

My Photo
Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

I was born and raised in the small, beautiful town of Mount Vernon, Ohio. My family ran a horse farm for many years, so I grew up around almost every animal you could imagine. I have a deep love for music and performing. At the age of 19, after taking part in IMTA in New York City, I packed my bags and moved to Los Angeles to pursue my acting career. I now work and live in the most amazing and strange city in the world! And I love it!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Life and Love

Love is a very tricky thing. You may think you feel it at one time, but then when you truly do have it you realize how nothing else can possible compare. It's the most amazing feeling, to love and be loved. But some people feel as though they have to reserve this feeling, this precious four letter word. They can't just go around loving lovers all willy nilly. While this is true in some regard, it seems as though it holds back one's life a bit. I hate to say that Kelly Clarkson and her song writers got it just right...but they really did. "This may not last but this is the one your with." It's so very true. And I realized today that I'm not looking for a serious relationship, or a boyfriend or a casual lover or even a potential husband. I'm just searching for love, whatever that may mean in the here and the now. Whether or not that love becomes anything, only time will tell. But my feeling is, if you're with someone you should allow yourself to love them, no matter what label the two of you sport. There is something about loving another person, with no boundaries, no worries, just loving them, that makes life a thousand times more beautiful. At the same time, doing so leaves you open to the worst pain a person can experience in life. I know, I've been there. But you always crawl out and rise to your feet again. And when you look back you realize that it was worth all the pain, hurt and anguish just to have that feeling even once.

So please, allow yourself to love him or her. Just let go, and do it. I know, it's scary. But it's the most amazing feeling in the entire world.

Just love.

Friday, February 5, 2010

The latest...

It has been a while since I have blogged about much of anything. But recently I have been getting a lot of Facebook messages from people back home asking about the things I am currently doing. (I blame a combination of my parent's bragging and new photo tags.) So, allow me to fill you all in!

The past few months have been a bit of a roller coaster, that is certain. Those of you you who know me well know that I HATE roller coasters. Seriously, I do. They make me want to pee my pants. I'm of course now talking about literal roller coasters. This past week I went to California Adventure with some friends, and I happily held everyone's sweatshirt and cell phones while they flung themselves around on "California Screamin'" and I waited by the gate. I'm such a mom. Anyway! To give a quick recap of the goings on since Christmas; I lost my representation, which is quite a devastating blow personally. Professionally, it happens everyday. And with the economy and the industry the way it is, I wasn't too surprised. I took it as an opportunity to seek something better, and have since been doing just that. I'm submitting to and meeting with as many new people as possible in hopes that I can put together a new and better team.

Aside from assembling a new dream team, I'm also involving myself in as many independent projects as possible. The one everyone back home has heard the most about is "Fantasy World." This is a mixed media series, both live action and animation. I am, as our director/creator Stephen Leonard calls me, "ear candy" as the voice of Vanessa Starlet. Vanessa is a young star who is the animated eye candy for a live guy. She has a Jessica Rabbit quality to her, but with a bit of a younger touch. Needless to say I have my fun. Hopefully the teaser will be up soon, once animation and editing are finished. I will post more when I know more. The second project I have been working on in another live action + animation project called "Friends with Fins." It is an educational project about how humans effect and can better protect the lives of our sea creatures. I'm honored and excited to be working on both of these projects with dear friends. Who better to work with than people you love!?

And last but not least, my newest adventure is proving to be one that I love more than I imagined I could. I have started coaching voice and harmony technique for a 5 member, girl pop group called NMD (No More Drama). Each girl is more talented than I could possibly explain and they range in age from 13-18.The group has been put together by manager and Backstreet Boy Howie Dorough. I wont lie, the fact that I'm working for a Backstreet Boy has me just tickled pink. :) I'm am so honored to be working with these very talented girls and their totally dedicated team. They just had their first big gig on Tuesday at Key Club on the Sunset Strip and now we are preparing to shop them to the various record labels once Backstreet returns from their tour. Again, I can't express how excited I am!

Anyway, so that's the latest news from Hollywood! I will post more info on the projects as they come out, and be sure to check on NMD on youtube, twitter, facebook and Myspace!


P.S. and yes...I'm auditioning for Glee. Be excited.